
Help! What Do You Do With A Big Jar Of Pickled Vegetables?

Have you ever bought a big jar of Italian preserved vegetables, only to get it home and wonder what in the world you are going to do with it? These pickled vegetables are great in many different dishes, and can be used to spice things up. Here are a few ideas. Salad-Italian preserved vegetables are great tossed into salad. They add a spicy, tangy kick that pairs perfectly with fresh Parmesan cheese and homemade Italian dressing. Read More 

Keeping Food Fresh During A Power Outage

If you have a lot of food in your refrigerator and freezer that you do not wish to lose due to a malfunction with your appliances or a power outage, you will want to take safety precautions to keep it fresh. Power outages can happen at any time, so you want to make sure you are prepared in advance in case one were to occur. Here are some tips for you to use to help you salvage any cold food items that you are storing. Read More